202-780-5153 info@nidellaw.com


The FDA updated the Adverse Reactions section of the labeling for Singulair (Montelukast) in September 2012 to include Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS).  If you suffered from Stevens-Johnson Syndrome after taking Singulair, you may have a claim against the manufacturer and you may have a limited time to talk to a lawyer.  According to Wikipedia,

Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS) usually begins with fever, sore throat, and fatigue, which is commonly misdiagnosed and therefore treated with antibiotics. Ulcers and other lesions begin to appear in the mucous membranes, almost always in the mouth and lips but also in the genital and anal regions. Those in the mouth are usually extremely painful and reduce the patient’s ability to eat or drink. Conjunctivitis of the eyes occurs in about 30% of children who develop SJS. A rash of round lesions about an inch across arises on the face, trunk, arms and legs, and soles of the feet, but usually not the scalp

Stevens Johnson Syndrome can be extremely painful and lead to extensive treatment including hospitalization.  Nidel Law, P.L.L.C. is currently evaluating claims against the manufacturer and would like to hear from anyone suffering from the damaging effects that have been linked to Singulair.  Please Contact Us to discuss your claim.
